Lord Fnorgle's Domain

Excel VBA

Introduction to Excel VBA

VBA stands for "Visual Basic for Applications" and is used in the Microsoft Office suite of products. It allows the writing and recording of macros, which can be used to automate various tasks within the program itself and can even be used to manipulate external files.

My own experience with VBA is almost exclusively in Microsoft Excel and it is that which will be the focus of this section of the website. Here I will provide articles offering advice on its usage and extracts of sample code that may be of use to others.

Articles and Resources

The resources below have been categorised according to their complexity and the level of programming experience required, if any. The beginner levels include plain-English guides to working with macros and do not require any programming knowledge, while the intermediate and advanced levels cover both editing existing macros and writing new ones from scratch. The intermediate and advanced categories also include annotated code samples for you to copy and work with.


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Beginner's Guide to Recording Macros Available in both web-based and PDF formats, this is a beginner's guide to recording macros. It includes an explanation of what a macro is and some of the potential uses thereof. 15/12/16

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